well kisschasy are an aussie band who are still rather unknown despite the fact the are legendary
im just wondering how many people out there know of and like this epic addition to music
considering all those weirdo's who listen to rap and hip hop in my generation(im 17 as of yesterday) im just wondering how many people still have good taste in music
also if you like hip hop/rap and see this showing your underwear and wearing your pants low is damn retarded and you look like losers doing it
if a zombie apocalypse started everyone would die laughing at you being eaten after trying to run from them in that ugly getup!
there i said it wake up and get some style if you cant wear jeans properly go wear nerd clothes that are made to look ugly KTHXBAI
now let kisschasy and real music rule
Update:Thanks Bree :p
and yeah that song is pretty good
was laughing so hard when i watched the music vid for it
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Yeah, I absolutely love that song - Opinions Won't Keep You Warm at Night -->
lol Happy B-day for the other day ^^
why is kisschasey real music?
what constitutes 'real music'
5th rate pop punk bands that write boring songs that all sound the same?
kisschasey are terrible.