Increasing this limit, however, will influence other characteristics of that transistor. For small signal bipolar transistors, a higher current carrying capability will usually mean a lower current amplification and/or higher noise and/or lower maximum frequency. For FET/MOSFET transistors, a higher current carrying capability will mean either a lower maximum voltage rating or a higher gate capacity.
they can only handle a small current because the part that prevents the flow of current, the depletion region, is very very thin and can easily be destroyed by current
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They are - up to a certain limit ;-)
Increasing this limit, however, will influence other characteristics of that transistor. For small signal bipolar transistors, a higher current carrying capability will usually mean a lower current amplification and/or higher noise and/or lower maximum frequency. For FET/MOSFET transistors, a higher current carrying capability will mean either a lower maximum voltage rating or a higher gate capacity.
they can only handle a small current because the part that prevents the flow of current, the depletion region, is very very thin and can easily be destroyed by current