many posts label people who do not want illegal aliens who are breaking the law by setting foot on our soil and then committing various other crimes such as i.d. theft,prostitution,drug dealing,murder and rape as racists.where does the race matter they are criminals hence the term" illegal immagrant"
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Because pro illegal means support for invading felons and since there is no honest, logical argument, fall back to name calling.
the race card gets frequent flyer miles around here! LOL
The debate vs. illegal immigration has been labeled racist, but it's more like enforcement negligence and public apathy, to be honest...
What I'm happy to see is that our states are picking up the ball and running with it where Congress has kind of laid down on the job...and that citizens are starting to give voice to their views on it, too. I don't think the illegal aliens are bad people, I just think we've made our own mess with years and years of bad enforcement...and the chickens are coming home to roost from it all...but there's still going to be bias on both sides, no matter what happens. Difference is, in the future that bias will be a lot more muted and won't have anything to do with trying to hide illegal aliens in our country anymore, which in my view will clear up a LOT of problems...
The Left has an underlying agenda on the issue and has no real interest in the Immigrants themselves, Legal or otherwise.
It is imperative that they keep a substantial volume of underclass, disaffected people dependent on them for a government handout. Otherwise where is their power base?
They encourage division at all levels, (hence the racist label), even if it defies logic.
There are some people on the anti-Illegal (read ABIDE BY THE LAW) side of thee issue. But they are so thinly disguised and shallow that you can pick them out in short order, on this form or in public. Their motives are just as insincere as the "pro-Illegals".
side note to "oldgruffgrump" the Native Americans are IMMIGRANTS TOO! From Asia.
Well ... for the last 500-plus years, everybody who came here was an illegal immigrant, since they did not have permission of the Native Americans. Whenever one group of illegal immigrants (like European-Americans) attacks another group (like Mexican-Americans), isn't that racist? The only ones who have a right to criticize are the Native Americans, and the European illegals killed most of them off hundreds of years ago. The whole controversy is racist, since it is racist immigration quotas that create the problem in the first place.
Look at who is labeling: usually socialists, libs, the far left - people who hate America and would like to see its downfall. So they attack anyone who really loves America and wants to protect its borders. It's a tactic they always use: Just call everyone a racist and that will shut them up, they hope.
Statement made as fact but is mearly an opion. ther are plenty of native born white i.d. theft,prostitution,drug dealing,murder creating people here allready. perhapps it's the left side of your brain calling the right side that.
That sickens me. If you go to any other country, they take pride in their country, they wear it like a badge of honor, but, if we stand up for our country, its like a civil liberties nightmare. I don't care where the illegal immigrants come from, what color they are or what religious background they are, if they are illegal, than i say bye-bye. We need to protect our country, our country, understand. Have some pride in the USA!
When the lefties and political correctness crowd run out of logical reason to oppose them they fall back to slander, as is their modis operanda. The race card is one of there favorites.
They have no defense and try to reach for that 'joker' of a race card.
bleeding heart liberals that probably don't have to deal with it on a personal level
you know like mr fat *** kennedy