Deep down everyone know God exists, but I'm sure there are athiests on this board who argue for the sake of arguing, and mock for the sake of mocking.
Surely heaven is a better choice than to die and go nowhere?
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Why do you deny the existence of Zeus? Deep down you know he exists.
What if the god that really exists sends all good people to heaven and all bad people to hell except people who pretended to know for a fact another god existed? then all good atheists are going to heaven but YOU ARE GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL. Why not repent when you still have time? Why risk eternity in hell?
What if god loves music and sends all musicians to heaven, but all other people to hell? How can you risk eternal torture by not playing at least four hours a day?
And how can you worship a sadistic god that tortures good people - most of the people who ever lived - for all eternity?
Pascal's wager:
"If god exists, it's infinitely better to believe, since you get heaven instead of hell for eternity. If he doesn't, it doesn't matter since you're dead anyway. So overall it's better to believe"
This is, of course, false.
Some of the problems with the argument:
* The assumption that if a god really exists, he or she set up an afterlife with a heaven and hell
* The assumption that if a god really exists, he or she cares about belief in him/her above all else
* The assumption that if you believe in a god, it will definitely be the same god that actually exists.
* The assumption that you lose nothing if it's false. Religious belief costs people plenty - money donated to churches, time spent praying, marriages ending because of religious differences, lives lost because of relying on prayers or refused medical care, wars... need I go on?
* The assumption that people can believe in something simply because it benefits them. Would you believe goblins exist for twenty bucks? Why not?
* The assumption that any god won't see through the "believing just to get into heaven" ploy.
Really? I could argue that deep down everyone knows God DOESN'T exist. Why do you cry at funerals? Shouldn't you be so freaking glad your loved one is in Heaven now? But you're right, I do argue for the sake of arguing. I'm sure I haven't convinced anyone of anything.
Heaven seems like it'd be a better choice but there is no logical reason to believe it actually exists, any more than any mythological thing.
I don't argue with most because there is no point in arguing - you will either become intrigued and begin to question - or reject the idea all together.
I do not believe in a god - there is no god - only powerful people who corrupt people's minds and keep people uneducated in order to manipulate them - to obtain power and money and fuel their greed.
The idea heaven is to create a comfort! You can deny that source of disbelief and accept the fact that we will all die some day, you will rot and decompose in the ground - so I say - enjoy your time while you have it! 8) Have fun! Live life! Do the things you enjoy to do! You don't have to worry about god or going to hell or heaven or any of that 8)
We all exist on this planet together, there's no need for the wars and pain and suffering caused by religion and corrupt peoples.
beacause god isn't real, and saying he was would be a lie.there is no evidence that there is a god. The bible only adds on to this non evidence, with its talking snakes, and a 900 year old man who succesfully mates every species in the world during a global flood in a time when it would have been totally impossible to even reach those areas of the world and collect all the animals even in a normal lifetime! Not to mention the size requirements of the arc.Lets continue! I look down on you for believing in god. There are so many reasons. and which "god" is the real 1?just because ur a christian does that mean ur god is right? some cultures have many also sick of people telling me god saved my life i was in the hospital on a respirator not that it matters but its an example. If not for doctors who go to medical school every1 would die if it was life threatening! let someone who is having a heart attack just lay there AND SEE IF GOD SAVES THEM..HES NOW DEAD..GET THE POINT??? and also christians beleive the earth was created in a week by god 5000 years ago thats total bullshit!!! oh dont even get me started on how rediculous the rapture is and u stupid catholics with ur hail mary's and all that **** its repulsive u make me sick.Sick to see slaves of a fake entity. this stuff 'religeon' u must also remember, was created by people thousands of years ago who didnt understand how anything really worked. if it 'rained' it was a sign from god even natural eath processes were seen to be 'magical<and god-like Its like the santa clause story for adults and also for people who believe in anything they it is often instilled in childhood, u guys are brainwashed as soon as ur born, and only freethinkers like myself are able to break on through. WHEN YOU DIE U ROT IN THE GROUND!!!!THERE IS NO HEAVEN BUT I BET U WISH THERER WAS..MAYBE IF U "BELIEVE' ENOUGH .uR A TOTAL DOUCHE
Wow! That is the worst logic ever. First, it is wrong to try and tell me what I believe. I don't believe in God to the very core of my being. I argue with people like you because you are small minded and obviously don't accept other ways of life. I'm not mocking anyone. Isn't living life the way you want to better than blindly following a religion that has no proof or validity.
Your statement "Deep down everyone knows God exists" is completely untrue. Who are you to speak for every single person in this world? Believe it or not, some people DO NOT believe in god. Atheists deny god's existance, because they don't believe in god. Don't overgeneralize people, by saying that all Atheists argue just to argue, and mock people, blah blah blah. You have no idea what your talking about.
Because they insist on a "cause and effect" relationship. Everything to them must be logically explained and be physically or visually presented with reasonable evidence in order for them to believe. This is reality to them.
I think saying that they have no faith would be wrong of us because they were surely capable of exercising it on something else rather than God (girlfriends). They are most certainly capable of taking chances, risks, etc. (I believe that atheists also participate in casinos). We just don't know for certain if they have really tried putting their faith (that is to rely completely, believe firmly, follow submissively and to trust with no physical proof whatsoever but the Bible and the rest of the universe as a testimony) on God, to start with. And if they already did, I wonder what went wrong?
Anyone? 'Am all ears!
Atheism s not a new development. Psalm 14:1, written by David in around 1000 B.C., mentions atheism – “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”
When a person is willing to think as a rational person and toss away any preconceived bias and baggage that’s held, one would almost have to come to the conclusion that God does indeed exist. But therein lies the problem, they aren't willing to let go of the bias and preconceived notions.
Much of it has to do with peer pressure, pride and unwillingness to concede to a higher authority which would mean having to take responsibility for their own immoral lifestyle.
Why do you claim existence of this 'God' when you know deep down in your heart that Lord Azathoth is the one true deity?
You say that surely heaven is a better choice but you alledge that you believe in something that is going to get you nowhere.
Maybe you should reconsider your beliefs.
No, deep down everyone know they WANT God to exist because they don't want to die and go nowhere. Atheists are convinced that realistically that is not going to happen, it's just a pleasant fantasy.