Have you ever had that feeling where you just feel 'empty'. Its kind of hard to explain. Its like something happens and you don't feel any emotions, not happy, not sad. For me, that's how I felt when school ended, I feel like I need some closure. I am a teenager and I just finished Grade 11.
So for the past few days, since school ended, I've been feeling empty. As of now, everything that happens to me, I just get empty feelings. I'm not depressed, I still live my social life. I hung out with my friends the other day, we went to the beach then when we came back we went to the movies. This was supposed to be a good time and we were making good memories. When I was out with them, I had fun and didn't think about anything negative, but the next day I don't know how I feel. I wasn't happy about it, but I wasn't sad, so emotionless. I don't know why. Please bear with me and answer my question, I know its vague, I just can't properly explain this feeling of emptiness.
Update:@fan, thanks for the in depth answer and your joke.
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Remember the good things in the past and your past goals and aspirations. Don't block the memories. There's nothing to be ashamed of. There might have been someone you hated. Befriend them now. Befriend everyone now. Summarize about your life, about your childhood and your earliest memories, your schooling, and each year/ 11th grade. Think of the good times and the bad, and what to improve on. Get ready for the classes you signed up for next year. Get ready for college. Think ahead and plan for the future. Learn some things in advance now or review what you've learned. If you like friends then plan to do something with them everyday. Get tutoring or tutor someone else. I think you're on your way to being a genius. Read the answers for this question on how to be a genius (read my answer, the longest one): http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AoxVY...
In Buddhism or some other religion and other meditation people would do anything in order to feel empty and not be too emotional or have too many wants and desires. Do you feel the same emptiness, or half of it? They'd do anything to have inner peace. Focus on virtue. You'll find the meaning of life. Think about the meaning in each thing you do and the meaning in the bigger scheme of things. You'll look back and realize that the times right now are those you love the most. Realize your emotions. Keep a gratitude/emotions/new ideas/memories/story ideas journal. Express your feelings more. You might not even realize who you actually like and have feelings for. Don't focus on the superficial and the shallow but the inside, on your heart. They say "a beautiful girl is nothing with an ugly heart." Don't judge people. Get a better feel about family and friend sentimentality. You're on your way.
Here's a joke to cheer you up:
So there's this rainbow house, right? Everything's rainbow. It's one-story high. The closets, the walls, the ceilings are all rainbow. The floor is rainbow, the windows are rainbow, and the tables, the chairs, the TV, and the couch are rainbow. Then what color are the stairs?
Answer: Trick question. It's a one-story house. There are no stairs.
slice of cake
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pray !!!!