You guys can't stop talking about him
Are you in love with him
Since this forum is mostly filled with Republicans,Mccain/Bush/Palin almost 90% ( i know most responses will be from you guys since i hardly see any democrats or Obama supporters,probably because they have nothing else left to prove or defend him so they have moved on )
Update:I voted Obama though
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I know! They can't stop calling him the messiah either!
This is so true man, I agree, all they do is talk about Obama! I mean really, think about it people .. you spend probably around 50% of your everyday life on Yahoo answers talking about who? OBAMA! The person that you "can't stand" ..
Also, they will not acknowledge whatsoever if Obama is doing a good job .. all they will do is nit pick every single move that he makes the entire 4 - 8 years. Most of them won't give him credit for anything, for whatever reason, I will never know. EVEN IF they really benefit from something that he proposed, they will not give HIM credit.
Obama is a good man and deserves to be respected ! He hasn't fcked anything up like Bush has, so he should have every ones respect at this point. If and when Obama turns into Bush (this will never happen) then the haters can hate! But, until then, I don't see why they cry about him and talk bad about him and his family everyday.
I am NOT a Republican and I talk about him all the time! And with a passion, I call him by his REAL name; Barry Soetoro! Yes I do love talking about him! as a matter of fact; I like talking about the way he will be the Clintonistas puppet! As a matter of fact: I also love, with a passion, talking about how he will spread the wealth by taxing the "rich" (those that actually have jobs and make $20,000+ and the small business owners, and not corporations) and how he will redistribute the funds to bums that refuse to work!
I love talking about how he will strip away my rights to defend my home and family!
I love talking about how he is associated with that whole corrupt Chicago political scene!
I love talking about him, Michael Moore, Al "Mr Oxidental Petroleum" Gore! I love talking about liberalism, and how much of a mental disorder it really is and how it is a dangerous one at that!
I am neither a Republican, nor am I a Democrat! I am not a good liberal, nor am I a bad one at that!
The lesson learned here is the fact that not all conservatives are Republicans! Quite a number are much like myself. . . An independent!
I could ask the same question of Democrats and Sarah Palin. Janice R's response about picking on the girl in school that you secretly have a crush on reminded me of how the liberals can't seem to stop talking about her. Or Bush, for that matter. The suggestion that Democrats have simply moved on is ludicrous. How many jokes about shoes being thrown have you seen this week?
It goes both ways. We're just talking. Isn't that what we're here for? Considering this is the election section, and Obama just won the US election, who would you suggest we talk about?
Because we can't believe that over half of America was stupid enough to elect him, and we are still in shock that none of the glaring concerns about the facts surrounding him mattered enough to keep people from voting for him. We WERE concerned that if the likes of Obama got in there, America would go down the tubes. Now we're worried that if the American people as a whole were this blind and this ignorant, then perhaps we're down the tubes already and just didn't know it.
Cause they have no lives and are incredibly sad their Mr. Magoo and Librarian didn't win this election.
Its funny you mention this because they knew more about what Obama was doing during the election than McCain.
I doubt they can even tell you McCain's policies because he never told them, he was too busy talking about Bill Ayers
I understand and agree with your question. Everytime I come onto this forum, all I see are Obama questions constantly being posted by the Republicans. It's like they are obsessed with him or something. It's really creepy. I'm sure a lot of these people asking all these Obama questions are just trolls anyway. I wouldn't pay any serious attention to them. Most of the stuff they post on here is garbage.
I believe quite a few Republicans voted for Obama.
well I am a FIRM obama supporter, and I am currently studying at UCSD (San Diego). Obama is going to bring hope to this nation. And he is going to bring change that we need. I really like his views about the whole situation america is in with the economy, and the war and everything.
I really appreciate the fact that he wants to implement a socialized healthcare system. Because there are people in this country who don't work, and they deserve to have healthcare just as much as the hardest working people in America. It is up to the people who work hard to take care of those who cant work, or dont work.
Also I agree with his views about education. He wants to make college more affordable, and ultimately free! This would give hope to thousands of people who cannot afford college, or those who do not have the grades.
I think it is really great that we finally have our first african american president. One other thing I would like to add, is a number of people have talked about the fact that he is friends with an admitted terrorst, and that is true. But what is so wrong about that? Won't that help our nation in the long run? I mean he is friends with a terrorist, so he is experienced with how they act and behave. I don't see his friendship with a terrorist as a negative thing, but a positive thing
Thank you! Hope and change are coming!
Why do Jew's keep talking about the holacaust ? Mostly to keep everyone educated to the truth so that it never has a chance to happen again.
We, the right, have warned you about Obama's views...what he said..where he came from....his light resume.
We did this mostly in good conscious to inform the morons that refused to listen to any criticizm and were unwilling to educate themselves.
The left was just too blind, too uneducated, too willing to roll the dice on the future of America in a lottery style desire for hope and change, too stubborn to face the truth or that they wanted to take a moment to "make history" rather than make sense.
So, we aren't letting you off the hook that easy. You will be made to see your Messiah is nothing of the sort, you will have to admit you were fooled with the rhetoric and lies, you will have to face that the world wo'nt just change into lollipops and roses come january.
Actually it's the opposition that can't stop talking about him.