Women nowadays claim to want to be treated equal. Equal pay, equal opportunity, they are independent, they don't need men to take care of them, etc... I agree with them wholeheartedly. However, when push comes to shove, women expect men to do the heavy lifting and they uphold the double standards that benefit them. They want meals paid for, dates paid for, bills paid for vacations/trips paid for, gifts, etc... They want doors opened, they want the man to do all the driving and utilize his gas/take the risk of drinking and getting behind the wheel. I could go on and on.
Then if a guy is foolish enough to do all this crap for women, the women won't have the decency to say thank you or appreciate it. They just expect it and feel entitled to be treated like something special (like they have some sort of magic vagina).
I just want to know what makes a female have this sense of entitlement?
Update:BVEE - I don't know what country you are from or how old you are, but the average American woman these days (below 40 years old) will not cook a man dinner. They'll tell you that you have two hands do it yourself.
Chivalry is dead, Feminism killed it now live with the consequences.
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I really couldn't agree with you more! We are seeing results more often these days of very poor parenting skills coming to light. When the mother or father of a girl raise her as a princess they will expect to be treated like one for the rest of her life. A very spoiled and pampered brat growing up through their childhood usually ends up not only being a very conceited, arrogant, holier than thou person but, a gold digging ho to boot! They will want life handed to them on a silver platter and desire the special treatment because that is what they have always been accustomed to. Not saying that a woman can't be treated special every now and then, that's ok especially when appreciated. But, to keep it up on a regular basis is not normal at all unless you are in a master/slave relationship and you are a dog on her leash! A real man knows how to appreciate a woman but, it takes a real woman to appreciate her man as well.
You won't hear too many arguments from me on this issue, other than to chastise you for over-generalizing. Some women act this way. Not all. But that some constitutes a gracious plenty.
There was a movie a long time ago with Gary Busey called "DC Cab". His wife breaks up with him, throws his stuff out on the lawn, and he is heard to lament, "Women, they get to keep half the money and all the [substitute vagina for the word he used]. :P
Bottom line is, like Cervantes said, "Between a woman's yes and no leaves not room for a pin to go".
However, there are women out there who do have a sense of justice, fair play, and equity. Where they do actually express gratitude for all the things men do for them, and often want to be an equal or even better, a provider.
So its not all women. Just a good plenty of them.
Now personal experience, one woman had me by the nuss for 6 and 1/2 years. I jumped through flaming hoops for her, only to get my face smashed up against a brick wall she'd carefully laid for me on the other end. I loved her and was willing to make the sacrifices for her. Bottom line is, in her words, "You were there for me when I needed you, but I won't ever be there for you when you need me."
So yes, some women use men horribly. Why? Its easy. Women can find a guy with the snap of a finger.
Now on the flip side, there are a lot of ungrateful men who treat women poorly and then act surprised when they get dumped, or feel used. But the reality is, if you take anyone for granted, they will definitely feel USED.
The only way to not take someone for granted is to show appreciation, loyalty, devotion, care, honesty, and love. Like I said, some women, a gracious plenty, do not do that.
And that gracious plenty of ungrateful women who use men, turn men into callous, selfish pigs who then make other women pay the bill for the bad women who used them before.
Likewise, women also make other men pay the bill for callous selfish pigs that used them.
Its a vicious cycle. Honestly.
So how do you fix this? You shop around. Just like the Cap'n and Teneill song. You look for the right character traits, find a woman with a good heart; one that appreciates the devotion and loyalty you show her, and yes, you've got a best friend, a lover, and a partner for life.
Otherwise, you're doomed to repeat the same cycle over and over again.
Try shopping in the aisle that says, "Unselfish women" instead. It takes some time to find that aisle, I know. But it's well worth it.
Ive met a girl who i think is. The. One. Ive showed her all my weaknesses. And things about me that are. Considered socially un acceptable. And she is still v er ry interested she laughs at my quirks as well and nought me food she told me the next time. When i asked her to go. Out. That i had to pay. The. Problem is that men give women to much value.
Stop playing the pussy is god game. Unfortunately im an introvert and its easu for me to do this i feel sry for you extroverts. Also stop looking down on men who struggle with women cause at the end of the day they are a want not a need .
I want a new bag, shoes, spa treatments, vacations. Call me when you finish work. I'll be lounging poolside, while Pablo the pool attendant fans me and feeds me grapes. Lolololol !
Been used plenty before. My new girl freind takes good care of me. I hear you man. Women expect a lot but don't always want to deliver.
well well, looks like that you've dated lots of unappreciative women. I always say thank you to my husband when he helps with housework (or I can't do it because I'm too busy). He also got a big thank you when he gave me my bday present this morning. I know what I have - and am grateful for it. I know that men love to be appreciated ;-)
I agree some of us do rely on men for things we are perfectly capable doing ourselves. But hey, If Imma make you a sammich your gonna have to open the jars. Just sayin'
They want the free ride always. Remember that.
Firstly nasty dP pic!
Btw yeah thats signs of doomsday
Damn it I do have a magic vagina!
Anyways, it's just a chivalry thing. We do a lot for our men, and women tend to be more affectionate than men, so we need men to show us they care about us too, by paying for dinner on the dates, holding open the door etc.
You guys certainly don't thank us for the affection and things we give you do you? when we make dinner for you, clean the house, where's our thanks? And I can't imagine a woman supporting drunk driving :/
OMFG your pic is scary hahaha