Why do women laugh when a man cries over a death? or because he has a serious terminal illness. Men only cry when something very serious happens.
Yesterday I was walking down the street and I seen this elderly man crying and this 30y/o woman laughed. Why?
Update:She was definitely laughing at him, she was staring and laughing.
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Because shes a mean *****?
How do you know what he was crying over?
Most women dont laugh at men crying.
Well we don't know for sure if that woman was laughing at the elderly man because she may have just coincidentally laughed at something she heard her friend say (or something like that) at the same time he began to cry.
Generally, women wouldn't laugh if a man cries because women usually would wish that men would be more open with their feelings and emotions. This is just a generalisation however, so if that lady did laugh at the elderly man crying, its safe to say that she's a ***** and needs to mature and grow up.
You happened to witness a horrible woman laughing at that poor man. Not all women laugh in such situations. The few times I have seen men cry including my Dad, my brothers and my bf, it has been heartbreakign and not funny at all. because I know when they cry, its serious. Me, I'll cry over anything, even if Oprah is on, so for something to make these strong men break down, I know that it's not a laughing matter.
Some people are cruel, it's really that simple. I don't find it funny whatsoever if anyone cries, even men. The last time I saw a man cry, a kid in his mid-20's walking down the street. I walk by and he bums a cigarette off me (Actually wanted to buy one, but I insisted it was free), then I offered him a beer as I had just bought a six-pack.
Why? Because I'm not cruel. Unlike some people. It's not common to see people like that twisted woman. Most people have a little more respect for their fellow human than her. She acted like a how a spoiled child would act in that situation.
As a matter of fact, the act of crying is widely believed to have evolved as a defense mechanism similar to embarrassment. A form of nonverbal communication that shows submission and cues sympathetic responses of others. So in actuality, it is normal to cry and abnormal to not care when someone else is crying.
i think it's because its so rare to see a man crying since they're perceived as macho and strong. I wouldnt laugh in front of an old man crying though :( bUT, I did laugh when Peter Parker cried in spider man 3, u gotta admit, that was funny :D lol
Because she's a ***** and you should've walked over to her and curbstomped her.
Laughing at crying men is one thing, but laughing at a senior citizen crying is a whole lot worse.
I've never heard of that happenning before! That is ghastly =/
Well, when i see a guy cry, I feel like crying myself because, like you said, it means that something very serious happened!
The same reason women laugh when men suffer "shrinkage". Its funny, its not meant to happen but it happens.
Only severely sick individuals get off by seeing others suffer.
I believe that people with a history of deceit are not trustworthy.