The skills sets can't be that extreme, swimming and cross contry is achievable, so is shooting. Equestrian and fencing component are the two sports that need certain unique talents. Yet they have the ability to adapt and excel. Most modern decathletes who compete in the double decathlon have the endurance needed and the physique required slim and wiry to adjust to the sublte skills needed for the pistol shooting equestrian and fencing.
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You are correct that decathletes and penthathletes are versatile and know how adjust to the demands of the events. But each event is so demanding and requires so much work that doing both is too much.
I heard a radio interview with Rob Muzzio, who competed in the decathlon in 1992 at Barcelona. He trained 7 days a week, about 4 hours a day on weekdays and I can't remember how many more on weekends. (He also had a full-time job.) He said he couldn't go more than two days without returning to an event. Beyond that, he got stale and forgot the nuances that translate to valuable points. Asking them to learn five additional events -- 4 of them very different from decathlon events -- is too much.
I also disagree about your observation that decathletes are slim and wiry. Bruce Jenner, Dan O'Brien, and Juergen Hingsen were big, thick guys who, at their peaks, held the decathlon world record. They ran like clydesdales, especially when zonked in the 1500m, but they threw shots and javelins that haven't come down yet.
Just because you are an elite athlete in one event or sport does not mean you can be an elite athlete in a different event or sport.
The modern pent, is totally different than the dec.
The training and skills required for each are not compatible with the other.
The idea that any athlete can become a good or elite shot with a pistol, or fencing is not realistic.
Each of these sports require full time, all year long training to maintain an Olympic standard, even if they had the skill to do both, so it is not reasonable to think a champion decathlete could be an elite pentathlon competitor.