Why do we go to such great lengths to abolish the Lord's prayer from schools, fight to have any semblance of God's name form being mentioned anywhere; but then dwell on a Presidential Candidate's religious beliefs? Should a President even be allowed to talk about religion..what about the separation of church and state and all that??
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For the simple reason that, right or wrong, people tend to like other people who hold the same views, opinions and values.
As for the yo-yo who said "anyone except Jews", allow me to point out that we Jews tend to keep to ourselves. We do not shove our religion down anyone else's throats and, in fact, are prohibited by Jewish Law from proselytizing and do not actively seek converts.
Pity this cannot be said by the other religions.
unless they are jews. lol
Jews are cheap... wait... they might help out economy?
even if jewish, That isnt a problem. UNLESS they try to
convert the public or try to lay down their religious rule on everyone but NOT IN AMERICA. maybe in vegas...lol jk
It's only important if the candidate is a Catholic, or a Mormon - and only if the candidate is a RepubliCON.