Is this true. Someone said this
"This maybe because if a man looses him job he will be living in his car, a woman on the other hand if she looses her job. She has her husband to support her."
Is that really true?
I mean would she kick the husband out or soemthing ? and
33% of wives make more than their husbands.
But what irks me is that a man can't change his job. The woman won't be the primary supporter if he wants to go to college or find a new job. but men give this choice to women. How is that fair?
And women work less hours. They work less at work, don't do any manual labor and only do 40% of the housework.
Am I right?
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You may be right as far as your own life experience goes, but you're being AWFULLY asinine if you think every woman has a husband, let alone one that will or can support her. Guess what? I'M supporting my boyfriend while HE'S in school. And WHO says a man can't change his career choice? This is freakin' AMERICA, if you want to go to school, you can go to school. If you want a different job, you can quit your current one.
AND, who in the HELL said women work fewer hours? I work at least the required hours for my salaried position, 44 hours a week, same as all the other males AND females are required to work. Half the time, I wind up working MORE than that. Who the HELL said women do less at work? I'm a store manager, and I do more in that store than ANYONE else, and that's also more than the majority of the other MALE store managers in my district do in their own stores. Who the HELL said women never do manual labor? MOST women don't, but SOME do- just because you've never seen it doesn't make it so. And where does this "40% of the housework" come from? Is that a fact? I'd LOVE to know your source, but my hunch is that you have none, you just made it up.
No one should ever assume their opinions are fact. Especially you, apparently, because I just disproved EVERY SINGLE ONE of them you have listed there.
Crapola. I supported my husband during his last two years of law school. Now if you are trying to find a woman to support you while you go to school - good luck. With that attitude you won't find a taker.
Second, working women do more household chores than their husbands.
Working 'less' hours is grasping- people in professional employment are hired to do a job - the amount of hours doesn't make any difference. I work long enough to get the job done. Last week it was fairly long - but for the next few weeks it will decrease- then increase around the first of december.
If my girlfriend had to she'd put me through college.
Dont be generalising.
Women DO work less hours on average, i have no idea about the housework, but i think i'll give that one to women.
Housework is such a minor chore anyway. At least for me. I spend MAYBE 30 minutes a day maintaining my home.
Ssiuciak: women work fewer hours on AVERAGE, but this is in no way a slap in the face to working women like yourself. the "women work fewer hours" study doesnt account for stay at home women, and a number of other factors.
Like the "pay gap" study, its just a broad inventory of male vs female data, it doesn't prove anything.
And actually you didn't disprove anything, you just let us know that it doesn't apply to your circumstance(just pointing that out, not wanting to start a fight)
There are so many never married and divorced women living on their own these days that I don't think I would generalize in that way.
Not all women work less hours than men do. Hourly workers male and female try to work extra hours if they are allowed to. But many times in salaried positions you don't get extra pay for the extra hours you work and women know from experience that we aren't going to get promoted no matter how much work we do. So why kill yourself for the job.