The panel has leads which will forn an antenna for a discharge, Back emf could fry a panel. The more likely failure is in the battery regulation circuits and the inverter circuits.
It depends on the function of the solar panel. If it generates electricity, then it uses photovoltaic cells and has electrical components. If this is the case, then yes, it will in all likely hood not be functional.
If it is used for heating (for example, solar water heater), then it should be fine as long as there is no physical damage. Exceptions would be if it was hooked up to an electrical pump or the like, in which case the solar panel would still collect heat, it just wouldn't be able to circulate water.
Solar heating panels are mainly a dark heat absorbing metal sheet with pipes somehow attached where liquid flows to be heated.
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The panel has leads which will forn an antenna for a discharge, Back emf could fry a panel. The more likely failure is in the battery regulation circuits and the inverter circuits.
It depends on the function of the solar panel. If it generates electricity, then it uses photovoltaic cells and has electrical components. If this is the case, then yes, it will in all likely hood not be functional.
If it is used for heating (for example, solar water heater), then it should be fine as long as there is no physical damage. Exceptions would be if it was hooked up to an electrical pump or the like, in which case the solar panel would still collect heat, it just wouldn't be able to circulate water.
Solar heating panels are mainly a dark heat absorbing metal sheet with pipes somehow attached where liquid flows to be heated.
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EMP is a large transient voltage event. It could fry open electrical connections and small conductive traces.