I just wanted to know everyone's thoughts, feelings, and experiences about races dating other races. Personally, I'm with a Mexican man and I'm a white woman.
Update:Sorry, I didn't realize this question was categorized in LGBT.
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My cousins are both white and married to people of other ethnicities (Hispanic and Korean), they don't seem to have any problems with it. I'm dating a black/Indian guy and I haven't had any problems with it.
In short, it might have been an obstacle in years past but these days people really don't care.
I'm Mexican and my first love was a white dude. Nothing wrong with it at all! We weren't made to go with a specific race or gender in my opinion :) spread the love!<3
In my opinion there really is nothing wrong with two different races dating. As long as they both like each other,then it's fine.
I don't see anything wrong with it. I'm dating a guy who's half Filipino and half Mexican... and I'm white. Now, I'm not racist whatsoever.. but I'm not sexually attracted to African Americans. That's just me. But I see nothing wrong with it for other people.
Interracial relationships result in cute kids ^^
But everybody knows this.
I have to be honest, Asian-White couples annoy the hell out of me.
But I guess everything else is perfectly fine! ^^
I'm white . I am only attracted to black men & black women (bisexual) . Black guys cause their lips ( I have jucyish lips so I love kissing black guys, same with black girls) they have big butts (huge turn on for me ) & I just like the color of their skin . Plus they kinda have big you-know-what lmao. Not saying that other races don't but some of the brothers that I've seen , yeahh haha . But idk I've been attracted to black girls & guys since I was .. damn , 7 ? 8 ? Idk why its just this thing with me lol
Why shouldn't people be free to date people of other races? Not to imply that that's what you were implying btw. People should be free to date whoever they wish
the only ones it matters to are the two in the relationship. date whomever you want.
That doesn't sound like an LGBT issue.
i think its ok for others but not for me idk i just cant see me dating an african american i have best friends who are black but i am not really attracted to them oh wait i i do love spanish men does that count aw well