My bf has a bad porn problem I try and help him with he's seeing someone for it. I always thought if I could keep him sexually satisfied, it will keep the porn use down. The other day we had great sex had it all quite spicy,with in a half our of having sex I caught him looking at strapon there goes my theory if I keep him satisfied it may help.!!! I really would understand the. Porn use if we hadn't had sex for a long time but he was into it within an hour of having sex. Any insight from anyone to help?? Feel like I didnt satisfy him!
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I will try to answer this question, however I am not a counselor nor do I have a lot of experience regarding this topic.
I think that there can be several things at play... 1. he might have a high libido, 2.he just really does like porn (this could also entail an addiction)
I think that you don't have to associate your sex frequency with his porn use. You obviously have sex with him, but he persists on this behavior which leads me to believe that it could be an addiction.
A Few Warning Signs of Harmful Pornography Use
The obvious sign of harmful pornography use is lack of sex in your marriage. Here are other signs that could show that your spouse has crossed the line in viewing pornography.
Continual denial in the face of obvious evidence.
Excessive masturbation.
Inability to stop viewing porn.
Neglect of family, spouse, job, hobbies, etc.
Refusal to discuss the issue.
Loss of sexual intimacy with mate.
Lying about pornography use.
Lack of caring about your feelings on the issue.
Staying up later at night to spend time on the computer.
Computer passwords changed.
Demand for unusual amount of privacy and personal time on the computer.
Allowance of easy access by your children to pornographic magazines, videos, and computer files.
What To Do When Your Husband Won't Stop Watching Pornography
When your marriage has obviously been hurt by pornography, and your husband won't stop watching porn, you have to face the reality that he is not going to change this behavior.
He may have an addiction. Porn addiction sounds funny but it isn't. It could cause huge problems. If its just regular use, it is okay. If it is not getting in the way of your relationship, family, or social life, he is fine.
If it is getting in the way of them things, it is a problem and needs to be professionally adressed.
Hope I have helped!
Whys this under gay and lesbian?