You have two options. First, if you wish you can pay for on board charges with cash. You will do this when you check in at the pier. You will indicate when you complete the pre-cruise registration that you will not be using a credit card to pay for charges and will set up your account with cash. Then when you check in at the pier you present as much cash as you wish to secure purchases on your cruise card.
The other option is to buy a gift certificate which you must pay for before the cruise. Then you use the gift certificate for your on board credit. This link has the process for buying a gift certificate:
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You have two options. First, if you wish you can pay for on board charges with cash. You will do this when you check in at the pier. You will indicate when you complete the pre-cruise registration that you will not be using a credit card to pay for charges and will set up your account with cash. Then when you check in at the pier you present as much cash as you wish to secure purchases on your cruise card.
The other option is to buy a gift certificate which you must pay for before the cruise. Then you use the gift certificate for your on board credit. This link has the process for buying a gift certificate:
Go to their web site and it will tell you how to do this. But you need to have a booked cruise first.
You can obtain on board credit by purchasing it before you board.