Bueno en primer lugar decirte que el Madroño puede ser o bien un árbol o un arbusto segun se poden o no sus ramas. El árbol del Madroño tiene unos frutos que al parecer le gustan mucho a los osos, de ahi que el símbolo de Madrid sea un Madroño en el que se apoya una osa para comer sus frutos. Y por último que se me ocurra puede ser un apellido como es mi caso jeje.
Logo of Bonsaimania.Madroño (Arbutus unedo L.)Bonsaimania logo.
Other names: madroñero, alborocera, aborio, alborto.
The Arbutus sort belongs to the family of the Ericáceas, represented by a small number of species whose habitat is the north of America and the Mediterranean: the south of Europe, North Africa and western Asia.
The common characteristics of this sort are:
crust of the trunk of madroñovariable size between tree and shrub, of 2 to 3 meters,
trunk with the rough crust and of reddish brown color that is given off in plates,
leaves of madroñosimple, alternating, perennial, of color green intense and shining, coriáceas leaves and of lanceolada form, remembering us to those of the laurel,
flowers grouped in clusters that hang, of white color and often dyed of green rose or sure with the corola in bell form,
flowers of madroñoround, small and rough, eatable fruits and with the pulp of red color orange or, that matures in autumn of the flowers of the previous year, that is to say, take a year in maturing.
Some of the species that compose this sort are:
Arizonica Arbutus
Texana Arbutus
Madroña (Arbutus menziesii)
Madroño (Arbutus unedo L.)
Canary Madroño (Arbutus canariensis Veill.)
Madroño of Greece (Arbutus andrachne L.)
In this occasion we are going away to center in culture of madroño (Arbutus unedo L.), that along with the olive tree, the oak, the fig tree and the seeded one comprise of the typical Mediterranean flora.
flowers of madroñoMadroño must throughout cultivate in the sun outside total the year, but avoiding the exhibitions prolonged during the time more warmly and specially after the transplant, stage during which will have to be located in very a well illuminated place but without direct sun so that it can maintain the roots with the fresh Earth.
The sun situation total, besides to guarantee its correct culture and survival, will help to reduce the size us of its leaves in combination of the technique of defoliated and the control of the nutrients through installment.
In winter it must be protected of the intense cold, specially of the strong frosts and the cold and dry wind. In spite of this, it needs to feel the winter cold and the passage of the stations. A cold conservatory in the outside could be a good solution for the zones of invier more duros to us, trying to return it to locate as rapidly as possible in the outside.
Related subjects:
Which is the suitable place more for a Bonsai?
Outer or inner Cultivo?
Irrigation and installment
mature fruit of madroñoThe irrigations must be thorough until it leaves water by the holes drainage and whenever the Earth surface begins to dry itself, avoiding the permanent encharcamiento of the Earth.
To pay frequently with an organic installment of quality, specially during the time of vigorous growth, that is to say, from the spring to the autumn.
We can help to reduce the size of the leaves, in addition to with a good outer sun exhibition total and the defoliated one of its leaves, with the provision of richer installments in phosphorus (p) and potassium (k) that in nitrogen (n) not to foment the development of its leaves.
We do not have to forget that we cannot:
to pay a transplanted tree, is necessary to hope to that it appears.
to water a tree cultivated in the outside after a frost or when there is risk of frosts.
Related subjects:
How I must water?
How to pay?
Every 2 or 3 years, in the beginning of the spring, before the thickening of the yolks. In the young units the regularity can be increased.
During the transplant it agrees to adjust well any part by rotten roots and to prune the wished branches not to reduce his glass. If the pruning by roots is very great, would agree to clear leaves in the same proportion that the eliminated roots.
It is not obligatory, but we used hormones of rooting with fungicida we will facilitate the success of the transplant when stimulating the development by the roots.
Madroño tolerates any type of ground, although it prefers acid grounds slightly, as usually it happens to most of the ericáceas, for example, rododendro. A good mixture of substrate for madroño could be a 35% of equivalent heavy or material grain sand (volcanic earth, etc.) and 65% of land of brezo.
It is not necessary to forget that the used Earth must always new and clean and never be reused of other cultures thus to avoid contaminations (fungi, diseases, plagues, etc.) that had been able to affect other trees.
He is advisable to protect the tree after the transplant during a pair of months, locating it in very a well illuminated place but avoiding the direct exhibition to the sun.
Related subjects:
In what other occasions it is necessary to transplant a Bonsai?
Which is the suitable Earth more?
One of the characteristics of madroño is the coexistence of fruits and flowers throughout the year which makes difficult a little the election of the time more adapted to prune. However, the advisable thing is to let throughout grow the new branches of the year the vegetative period and to shorten them up to 2 or 3 leaves during the end of the summer, thus we will obtain that the branches and leaves mature the sufficient thing like producing new yolks.
As the leaves are alternating, we must consider the direction that has the yolk that is born of the first leaf of the branch after the pruning, of such form which always we will prune over a leaf that has a yolk towards the outside of the glass
In general, we must clear:
all the buds of the base of the trunk,
the branches that are crossed,
the opposed branches,
the branches that grow very vertical or that do it towards the interior of the trunk.
It is necessary to prune the roots during the transplant but without cutting too many fine roots to allow that it can recover them during the winter. Also it is necessary to take advantage of to prune the branches nonwished.
Between the pruning of branches and the transplant (or vice versa) a minimum interval of time would have to exist not to accumulate too many aggressive operations simultaneously, for example, 3 weeks.
One of the techniques that we can use in madroño to facilitate the ramification is the defoliated one, cutting the leaves by pecÃolo and letting to the leaves and terminal yolks of the branch to force the brotación of the defoliated leaves, avoiding so the sap retires. It is necessary to place the sun tree total to stimulate the brotación.
Finally, to remember that the pruning, clipped or the defoliation is only due to make if the tree is healthy.
The positioning of branches by means of the fencing can be made between the spring and the autumn. Although their branches are relatively flexible, agrees to protect the crust of the trunk and the branches. He is recommendable not to water the day previous to the fencing.
It is necessary to watch the marks of the wire in the crust due to the rapidity with which the branches get fat and grow.
A tree with aspect of “hank of wire”, by the excess of this one, loses all the aspect of alive and it is not a better unit like Bonsai. Please, it wire fences enough and only when other techniques of modeled cannot be used or they have obtained the wished effects.
More common diseases and parasites
In general he is quite resistant to the plagues although without the suitable culture it is necessary to have special well-taken care of with:
Fungi in the leaves: small spots in the leaves caused by the Septoria fungus unidonis, with a dry center of grayish color surrounded by a color aureole purple. There is no treatment of effective control but luckyly it is not a serious disease because it does not affect the health of the tree. The only thing that we can do is to clear the affected leaves.
Fungi in the ground: Also diverse fungi of the ground of the Phytophthora species can affect him, producing the rotting by the roots, which produces shortage of the number of leaves, same death and decoloración of the branches. In this case we must improve the drainage of the ground, since an excess of humidity favors the development and propagation of these fungi. (To see: How to fight the fungi)
In any case, we must remember that if we needed to use some fitosanitario treatment, this one must be specific against the plague or disease and constant in the time until eliminating it completely.
Related subjects:
Insecticides for plants
How to use chemical agents?
It is possible to be reproduced by means of seeds from end of the winter to principles of the spring, and with difficulty by means of esquejes from end of the summer at the beginning of the autumn.
The seeds must take shelter of the already mature fruits, between November and December, and submerge them during several days in water to clean them and extract the pulp to them. The seeds can be stored in the refrigerator between humid sand. The germination by means of seeds usually is slow and in case they do not germinate, these can be left to the outside during the autumn so that dormacia is broken and germinate the following spring.
If we used esquejes, we must consider that must be:
of young stems,
taken root in an atmosphere of high humidity and with heat of bottom, around 20ºC.
Related subjects:
The Bonsai from the propagation of other plants
Layer of ficus
immature fruit of madroñoThe Arbutus unedo must to its name to the Latin word of madroño and its fruit: arbutus, word that outside perhaps taken as well from celta: arbois (rough, robust); and to the Latin numeral and the verb: unum and edo, that means: “one” and “to eat”, because its fruits, although already we have said that they are eatable, they are not very pleasant. The reality is that its attractive color invites to us to eat them but not to repeat after proving them.
The eaten fruits of madroño in great amounts can get to produce a smooth narcotic effect and irritation of the alimentary canal. However, they have been used to even produce licores and vinegar.
Their leaves and crust contain tannins that serve to tan the skin or in medicine to cure the diarrea due to their astrigente power.
The wood was the fuel preferred by the furnaces and in the houses, the coal produced by its roots was even the most used in the forges.
Capital shield of Madrid - SpainNobody knows with exactitude so that madroño like symbol of the shield of the villa of Madrid was chosen, but appears in the capital shield of Madrid, in spite of never was an abundant tree this region. At the moment it is a species protected by the Community of Madrid like threatened species.
Answers & Comments
Verified answer
Bueno en primer lugar decirte que el Madroño puede ser o bien un árbol o un arbusto segun se poden o no sus ramas. El árbol del Madroño tiene unos frutos que al parecer le gustan mucho a los osos, de ahi que el símbolo de Madrid sea un Madroño en el que se apoya una osa para comer sus frutos. Y por último que se me ocurra puede ser un apellido como es mi caso jeje.
Madroño es el fruto de un arbol llamado madroño, al fruto tambien se le llama cerezas de pastor o emborrachacabras.
El Pirata
El madroño es un árbol de hasta quince metros de alto, aunque difÃcilmente consigue esta altura. Perennifolio. El tronco es rojizo y agrietado, corto, con copa espesa y redondeada. Las hojas con un corto pecÃolo son grandes, verdes, algo más claras en el envés, lanceoladas, de entre 5 y 10 cm de largo y 5 cm de ancho, con el borde serrado, lisas, brillantes y sin pelos. Las flores son entre blanco y azuladas de 1 a 1,5 cm, formando panÃculas colgantes.(Esto se aprecia bien en la foto) con filamentos libres o insertos en la base de la corola. Como se aprecia en la fotografÃa de la sección de una flor, las anteras son dorsifijas (adheridas por el dorso) o rara vez basifijas (adheridas por la base), a menudo con dos apéndices. Tiene frutos de unos 4 cm de diámetro entre amarillo y rojo intenso, dependiendo de la maduración del mismo, la superficie esta formada por minúsculos granitos aplanados. Las semillas están dispuestas sobre el centro del fruto son pequeñas y de color negro.
Y traducción exacta no se creiria que es "madroño" pero en http://www.elmundo.es/traductor/ te lo traduce como "Tree srtawberry"
Espero que te sirva
Te encontre esto...........Arbusto de la familia de las Ericáceas, con tallos de tres a cuatro metros de altura, hojas de pecÃolo corto, lanceoladas, persistentes, coriáceas, de color verde oscuro, lustrosas por el haz y glaucas por el envés; flores en panoja arracimada, de corola globosa, blanquecina o sonrosada, y fruto esférico de dos o tres centÃmetros de diámetro, comestible, rojo exteriormente, amarillo en el interior, de superficie granulosa y con tres o cuatro semillas pequeñas y comprimidas.
Un saludo
Hola ,si es una palabra dicho en dialecto,muy dificilmente la encontraras.
en primer lugar en el abecedario ingles no existe la letra ñ muchacha
es un arbol
Es un fruto de un árbol y un árbol.
Muchos frutos y arboles no tienen traducción.
Madroño (Arbutus unedo L.)
Logo of Bonsaimania.Madroño (Arbutus unedo L.)Bonsaimania logo.
Other names: madroñero, alborocera, aborio, alborto.
The Arbutus sort belongs to the family of the Ericáceas, represented by a small number of species whose habitat is the north of America and the Mediterranean: the south of Europe, North Africa and western Asia.
The common characteristics of this sort are:
crust of the trunk of madroñovariable size between tree and shrub, of 2 to 3 meters,
trunk with the rough crust and of reddish brown color that is given off in plates,
leaves of madroñosimple, alternating, perennial, of color green intense and shining, coriáceas leaves and of lanceolada form, remembering us to those of the laurel,
flowers grouped in clusters that hang, of white color and often dyed of green rose or sure with the corola in bell form,
flowers of madroñoround, small and rough, eatable fruits and with the pulp of red color orange or, that matures in autumn of the flowers of the previous year, that is to say, take a year in maturing.
Some of the species that compose this sort are:
Arizonica Arbutus
Texana Arbutus
Madroña (Arbutus menziesii)
Madroño (Arbutus unedo L.)
Canary Madroño (Arbutus canariensis Veill.)
Madroño of Greece (Arbutus andrachne L.)
In this occasion we are going away to center in culture of madroño (Arbutus unedo L.), that along with the olive tree, the oak, the fig tree and the seeded one comprise of the typical Mediterranean flora.
flowers of madroñoMadroño must throughout cultivate in the sun outside total the year, but avoiding the exhibitions prolonged during the time more warmly and specially after the transplant, stage during which will have to be located in very a well illuminated place but without direct sun so that it can maintain the roots with the fresh Earth.
The sun situation total, besides to guarantee its correct culture and survival, will help to reduce the size us of its leaves in combination of the technique of defoliated and the control of the nutrients through installment.
In winter it must be protected of the intense cold, specially of the strong frosts and the cold and dry wind. In spite of this, it needs to feel the winter cold and the passage of the stations. A cold conservatory in the outside could be a good solution for the zones of invier more duros to us, trying to return it to locate as rapidly as possible in the outside.
Related subjects:
Which is the suitable place more for a Bonsai?
Outer or inner Cultivo?
Irrigation and installment
mature fruit of madroñoThe irrigations must be thorough until it leaves water by the holes drainage and whenever the Earth surface begins to dry itself, avoiding the permanent encharcamiento of the Earth.
To pay frequently with an organic installment of quality, specially during the time of vigorous growth, that is to say, from the spring to the autumn.
We can help to reduce the size of the leaves, in addition to with a good outer sun exhibition total and the defoliated one of its leaves, with the provision of richer installments in phosphorus (p) and potassium (k) that in nitrogen (n) not to foment the development of its leaves.
We do not have to forget that we cannot:
to pay a transplanted tree, is necessary to hope to that it appears.
to water a tree cultivated in the outside after a frost or when there is risk of frosts.
Related subjects:
How I must water?
How to pay?
Every 2 or 3 years, in the beginning of the spring, before the thickening of the yolks. In the young units the regularity can be increased.
During the transplant it agrees to adjust well any part by rotten roots and to prune the wished branches not to reduce his glass. If the pruning by roots is very great, would agree to clear leaves in the same proportion that the eliminated roots.
It is not obligatory, but we used hormones of rooting with fungicida we will facilitate the success of the transplant when stimulating the development by the roots.
Madroño tolerates any type of ground, although it prefers acid grounds slightly, as usually it happens to most of the ericáceas, for example, rododendro. A good mixture of substrate for madroño could be a 35% of equivalent heavy or material grain sand (volcanic earth, etc.) and 65% of land of brezo.
It is not necessary to forget that the used Earth must always new and clean and never be reused of other cultures thus to avoid contaminations (fungi, diseases, plagues, etc.) that had been able to affect other trees.
He is advisable to protect the tree after the transplant during a pair of months, locating it in very a well illuminated place but avoiding the direct exhibition to the sun.
Related subjects:
In what other occasions it is necessary to transplant a Bonsai?
Which is the suitable Earth more?
One of the characteristics of madroño is the coexistence of fruits and flowers throughout the year which makes difficult a little the election of the time more adapted to prune. However, the advisable thing is to let throughout grow the new branches of the year the vegetative period and to shorten them up to 2 or 3 leaves during the end of the summer, thus we will obtain that the branches and leaves mature the sufficient thing like producing new yolks.
As the leaves are alternating, we must consider the direction that has the yolk that is born of the first leaf of the branch after the pruning, of such form which always we will prune over a leaf that has a yolk towards the outside of the glass
In general, we must clear:
all the buds of the base of the trunk,
the branches that are crossed,
the opposed branches,
the branches that grow very vertical or that do it towards the interior of the trunk.
It is necessary to prune the roots during the transplant but without cutting too many fine roots to allow that it can recover them during the winter. Also it is necessary to take advantage of to prune the branches nonwished.
Between the pruning of branches and the transplant (or vice versa) a minimum interval of time would have to exist not to accumulate too many aggressive operations simultaneously, for example, 3 weeks.
One of the techniques that we can use in madroño to facilitate the ramification is the defoliated one, cutting the leaves by pecÃolo and letting to the leaves and terminal yolks of the branch to force the brotación of the defoliated leaves, avoiding so the sap retires. It is necessary to place the sun tree total to stimulate the brotación.
Finally, to remember that the pruning, clipped or the defoliation is only due to make if the tree is healthy.
The positioning of branches by means of the fencing can be made between the spring and the autumn. Although their branches are relatively flexible, agrees to protect the crust of the trunk and the branches. He is recommendable not to water the day previous to the fencing.
It is necessary to watch the marks of the wire in the crust due to the rapidity with which the branches get fat and grow.
A tree with aspect of “hank of wire”, by the excess of this one, loses all the aspect of alive and it is not a better unit like Bonsai. Please, it wire fences enough and only when other techniques of modeled cannot be used or they have obtained the wished effects.
More common diseases and parasites
In general he is quite resistant to the plagues although without the suitable culture it is necessary to have special well-taken care of with:
Fungi in the leaves: small spots in the leaves caused by the Septoria fungus unidonis, with a dry center of grayish color surrounded by a color aureole purple. There is no treatment of effective control but luckyly it is not a serious disease because it does not affect the health of the tree. The only thing that we can do is to clear the affected leaves.
Fungi in the ground: Also diverse fungi of the ground of the Phytophthora species can affect him, producing the rotting by the roots, which produces shortage of the number of leaves, same death and decoloración of the branches. In this case we must improve the drainage of the ground, since an excess of humidity favors the development and propagation of these fungi. (To see: How to fight the fungi)
White fly: sucking insect of sap that usually concentrates in envés of ace new and tender leaves. (To see: How to fight the white fly)
In any case, we must remember that if we needed to use some fitosanitario treatment, this one must be specific against the plague or disease and constant in the time until eliminating it completely.
Related subjects:
Insecticides for plants
How to use chemical agents?
It is possible to be reproduced by means of seeds from end of the winter to principles of the spring, and with difficulty by means of esquejes from end of the summer at the beginning of the autumn.
The seeds must take shelter of the already mature fruits, between November and December, and submerge them during several days in water to clean them and extract the pulp to them. The seeds can be stored in the refrigerator between humid sand. The germination by means of seeds usually is slow and in case they do not germinate, these can be left to the outside during the autumn so that dormacia is broken and germinate the following spring.
If we used esquejes, we must consider that must be:
of young stems,
taken root in an atmosphere of high humidity and with heat of bottom, around 20ºC.
Related subjects:
The Bonsai from the propagation of other plants
Layer of ficus
immature fruit of madroñoThe Arbutus unedo must to its name to the Latin word of madroño and its fruit: arbutus, word that outside perhaps taken as well from celta: arbois (rough, robust); and to the Latin numeral and the verb: unum and edo, that means: “one” and “to eat”, because its fruits, although already we have said that they are eatable, they are not very pleasant. The reality is that its attractive color invites to us to eat them but not to repeat after proving them.
The eaten fruits of madroño in great amounts can get to produce a smooth narcotic effect and irritation of the alimentary canal. However, they have been used to even produce licores and vinegar.
Their leaves and crust contain tannins that serve to tan the skin or in medicine to cure the diarrea due to their astrigente power.
The wood was the fuel preferred by the furnaces and in the houses, the coal produced by its roots was even the most used in the forges.
Capital shield of Madrid - SpainNobody knows with exactitude so that madroño like symbol of the shield of the villa of Madrid was chosen, but appears in the capital shield of Madrid, in spite of never was an abundant tree this region. At the moment it is a species protected by the Community of Madrid like threatened species.