Web definition: A pimp finds and manages clients for prostitutes and engages them in prostitution (in brothels in most cases and some cases street prostitution) in order to profit from their earnings. Typically, a pimp will not force prostitutes to stay with him, although some have been known to be abusive in order to keep their prostitutes submissive or to maximize profits. A pimp may also offer to protect his prostitutes from rival pimps and prostitutes, or from abusive clients. He can also enable a prostitute to work in a particular area under his control.
In your world, it probably means you get laid a lot, know a lot of girls that follow you around, and you know a lot of friends that give you respect. Lol.
why would you want to be a PIMP...I sure wouldn't want a PIMP...lol but if you mean HOT...? Then I guess it all depends. What kind of women are you trying to attract?
I go for the normal looking guy Jeans & a cool T-shirt nothing too out there, nicely groomed. Down to earth, has a back bone(stand up for himself), not selfish, know how to treat a lady, know when to man up, oh yes must kno how to make me laugh.
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Web definition: A pimp finds and manages clients for prostitutes and engages them in prostitution (in brothels in most cases and some cases street prostitution) in order to profit from their earnings. Typically, a pimp will not force prostitutes to stay with him, although some have been known to be abusive in order to keep their prostitutes submissive or to maximize profits. A pimp may also offer to protect his prostitutes from rival pimps and prostitutes, or from abusive clients. He can also enable a prostitute to work in a particular area under his control.
In your world, it probably means you get laid a lot, know a lot of girls that follow you around, and you know a lot of friends that give you respect. Lol.
why would you want to be a PIMP...I sure wouldn't want a PIMP...lol but if you mean HOT...? Then I guess it all depends. What kind of women are you trying to attract?
I go for the normal looking guy Jeans & a cool T-shirt nothing too out there, nicely groomed. Down to earth, has a back bone(stand up for himself), not selfish, know how to treat a lady, know when to man up, oh yes must kno how to make me laugh.
when u r a pimp
What is a pimp?
When a dude has a girl in each arm and a top hat on his head.
when you have more than 2 gfs and get laid every day or every other and gang bang some one
When you have a woman making money for you and your getting all the profit...WHICH I REALLY HATE!
when u have a lot of girlfriends at once
and you hook up or do stuff with a ton of girls
when you got so many hoes you dont know whats to do with them
when you got some ho's