Hey! I recently had an accident with my desktop. I touched the power supply, and the computer shut off. I turned it on agian, I clicked continue and it came a black screen with a white stripe up in the left corner that was flashing. I've been waiting for two hours and tried agian, but did not work. All of the fans are working, the ligths are flashing and keyboard and mouse is working. How can I fix this? Really hope someone can help me! My exam starts tomorrow so it's quite important. Thank you for taking time to help me...
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depends what you have done.
you could try loading BIOS defaults first, then save and restart to see if that cures it
otherwisde all you did was corrupt the cmos.
use the JUMPER to CLEAR it.
then restart the pc, and load bios defaults, and restart.
otherwise you may have blown a fuse in the supply,
check the 12v and 5v values.
usually the bios can tell you these.
Do you get a bios screen at boot?
If you don't get a BIOS screen or anything at boot, more than likely you fried the motherboard (not a good thing and not easy to fix).
if your getting a boot screen and it goes to the "Starting Windows" screen then it could be a hard drive or Windows issue. But you first need to see if the BIOS is booting. Do you get any beep codes when it starts? Something like 3 beeps instead of 1? etc...
That's not a power supply problem, that's a Windows (or hard drive) problem. Try tapping the F8 key repeatedly when you turn on your computer and see if you can get the Safe Mode menu. Try doing Safe Mode and see if it will boot. It not, you may need to have someone check your hard drive.