Computer screens have higher resolutions: currently 1024Ã768 and higher
for example, SXGA has a resolution of 1400Ã1050, WXGA has 1680Ã1050 and WUXGA, 1920Ã1200.
If your monitor screen has the correct driver, you can check the resolution by clicking the Display (or Preference in Vista) icon of the Control Panel. In the setting tab, slide the sliding bar of screen resolution to maximum, one should be able to read the maximum resolution of the monitor.
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Verified answer
Most all computer monitors are capable of HD resolutions.
Basically, all you do is take the second number in the resolution (i.e. 1024x768) and that is equal to the progressive resolution in HD.
So in other words, 1024x768 would be able to do 720 progressive HD resolution.
HDTV Televisions has a resolutin of 1280Ã720.
Computer screens have higher resolutions: currently 1024Ã768 and higher
for example, SXGA has a resolution of 1400Ã1050, WXGA has 1680Ã1050 and WUXGA, 1920Ã1200.
If your monitor screen has the correct driver, you can check the resolution by clicking the Display (or Preference in Vista) icon of the Control Panel. In the setting tab, slide the sliding bar of screen resolution to maximum, one should be able to read the maximum resolution of the monitor.