At least as woman
-you will never able to use your looks to get anything
-most guys won't want you
-if you are mean, people are going to be twice as harsh on you
Update:-most clothes will look horrible on you
-you will get cheated on
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To be honest, even though it doesn't guarantee that, to be sure it doesn't help either, doesn't matter what self-alleged "wise" men claim. As a matter of fact, there is a it of hope since beauty is in the eye of the beholder so almost nobody is universally unattractive (some are there, indeed), yet one has to accept and cope with a limited range of "beauty-based" social effectiveness (power).
Hey, I'm not so sure that Jena Elfman isn't unattractive (before the current makeover) but look what she's been able to do.
A little advice: if it is very important to you then you will project that to the people around you and they will think of you the same way you do. You are elevating that shallow value to a status that it doesn't deserve in anyone's life, and hurting yourself continually because of it. If you can forget about it and let your personality charge through, unhindered, unashamed, looking outward, finding things to involve itself in.... then people are going to see you not as unattractive but as a person.
This is not a matter of looks, it is a matter of understanding. We all have to accept ourselves. Pop culture turns appearances into supreme goals, but that is not what life is about, and at the local level we live in, other things are much more important. What do you like in people?
Don't fall for false idols. There is a truth inside you, and you have to find it.
As a man;
Why would your want to get things just for your looks? and truth be told those girls don't get things JUST for their LOOKS, there is usually some trading involved.
Most guys won't like you? Hate to use this term but have you ever heard of Chubby chasers? or lived in Mexico?
Why be mean? won't matter if your pretty Mean people suck.
Yeah, if you buy clothes built for skinny people I suppose you could look a little odd, but if wore a baseball uniform all day everywhere I'd look odd too.
You get cheated on, because you don't value yourself, and I thought you said guys wont like you? who doing the cheating then? Learn to be more choosy, dump the idiots before they get a chance to cheat.
Everyone is beautiful in their own way, the problem comes from looking for validation of our beauty. Most hollywood stars (and I know 2 personally) are some of the worst human beings on earth.
Now Now!
-Are you implying good-looking attractive women 'use' their looks to get ahead in life? Sorry, I don't buy!
-Most guys won't want you...That could be right! Most better-looking guys that you could be eyeing. But there could be other 'unattractive' types who you won't be interested in yourself!
-That's doubtful!
-You'll have to try and see what looks good on you. Blindly following fashion trends could be disastrous.
-Well, if you are able to hook someone despite your unattractive physical appearance...the guy did 'see' something in you. But if you aren't able to keep him by your side, then it has to do with something other than looks! Think about it!
Now, for the miserable part...
I had a very good friend...a very good person...who was fat, dark and...ummm ugly, if you insist...that men in India do not want. But once one could look past that cover, she was an excellent person...loving, caring, highly competent and accomplished, the kind that could make any worthy man's home a heaven! But no! She couldn't find a groom...and stayed a spinster all her life!
But was it a miserable life??? NO WAY!
She did much for children and society in general. Earned people's respect, thus enriching her own life and theirs!
Men, marriage, sex, children....are just a small part of life. But unfortunately, we all run after that thinking life without these is simply worthless, while these very things can enslave you and make you miserable!!!
Open you mind!
Any women would be able to get a guy, but the kind of guy would more than likely be someone that is very unattractive or a cheater, their are also some guys that only care about personality rather than looks.
ah yes....a tough one. We all want to see beauty in things. For women, there is more pressure of every kind...Its as if you have to be a non feeling, perfect robot who does 'everything'. This world is harsh for those who are 'unattractive'. However, many have been on that path and have transformed into beautiful, sensual women. They are everywhere. You change what you can and accept what you cannot. But I will say this...true beauty is inside you and that is what comes out of you.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder:
Beauty in eyes of beholder, study confirms:
Scientists ponder beauty and the eye of the beholder:
Evidence increasingly suggests the human brain is hard-wired for aesthetics.
Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to
events and circumstances in one's life. Hope
implies a certain amount of perseverance i.e.
believing that a positive outcome is possible even
when there is some evidence to the contrary.
A person who dreads of 'what tomorrow may bring'
looses the zeal of life itself. He can not live in
the present even for one day. I do not agree that
'any person can fight the battles of just one
day'. There are many in the world who fight their
battles life long, and still live with some hope.
It is nice to live for today and complete what is
to be done today. But humans are distinguished
from the rest of the living beings by hope. For
other living beings, there may not be tomorrow.
But hope is life for humans. Tomorrow may not come
for a few. But the others are sure that there will
be a day after present one. And it is hoped by
many to be a little better than today. What is not
realized today may be within our reach tomorrow.
It is hope that make people to live through all
torments of life. The moment a person loses hope,
the very zeal to live is lost.
Living in the past is dreaming. Living in the
present is intuition connected to basic instincts.
Living in hope of is humanistic rationality
to look for future.
Hope - Pandora brought the jar with the evils and
opened it. It was the gods` gift to man, on the
outside a beautiful, enticing gift, called the
"lucky jar." Then all the evils, those lively,
winged beings, flew out of it. Since that time,
they roam around and do harm to men by day and
night. One single evil had not yet slipped out of
the jar. As Zeus had wished, Pandora slammed the
top down and it remained inside. So now man has
the lucky jar in his house forever and thinks the
world of the treasure. It is at his service; he
reaches for it when he fancies it. For he does not
know that the jar which Pandora brought was the
jar of evils, and he takes the remaining evil for
the greatest worldly good - it is hope! For Zeus
did not want man to throw his life away, no matter
how much the other evils might torment him, but
rather to go on letting himself be tormented anew.
To that end, he gives man hope.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
- Winston Churchill
"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life
are something to do, something to love, and
something to hope for." - Joseph Addison
Hope! Hope! Hope!
Delicious Hope! when naught to man is left -
Of fortune destitute, of friends bereft;
When even his dog deserts him, and his goat
With tranquil disaffection chews his coat
While yet it hangs upon his back; then thou,
The star far-flaming on thine angel brow,
Descendest, radiant, from the far skies
To touch the deepest depths of the heart
People sow seeds with hope
And hope is the seed of life
People through ages hoped for eternity
Because hope is as great as eternity
Never give-up hope, never ever
Hope is your best mate, all the time
Even if all desert you unexpectedly
Hope will be with you, if you wish....
Only shallow guys dislike plain/ugly girls. True men are long-term thinkers who look beyond the body and into the soul. Because, when you are grow old the beauty leaves all that's left is your good or bad heart and a good mind.
- Jamie
No, it just means when you fall in love with someone you'll know they love you for you.. :)