It seems to me that most women have low self esteem at one point in their lives or another. We see symptoms of this in bulimia, promiscuity, drug use, alcoholism, co-dependency, emotional issues, and on and on.
Is it just me or is low self-esteem the curse that torments almost all womenkind?
Update:I'm am seeing the point that it applies to men just as equally, but manifests itself differently.
There are some very good answers there. Keep them coming!
Update 3:But I do not see bulimia and co-dependency in males as commonly.
I would agree that men tend to join gangs, get in fights, play their stereos loudly, drive like maniacs, etc as a means to assert themsleves and counter-act a low self esteem.
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According to Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, yes. Women tend to have issues with their self esteem while men turn to violence. I guess we are both equally "cursed" but in different ways.
Another thing he noticed, among teens, is that emotionally unstable boys wanted to join gangs and be violent while girls wanted to get pregnant and have/keep the baby.
Interesting stuff.
I don't know if I would call it a "curse", but I have to agree that most women have dealt with these issues at one point or another. Also, I don't agree with one poster who implied that only women who do not match society's ideal struggle with self esteem. Until about 3 years ago, I struggled with an eating disorder, and I've never had a problem finding dates. Also, I've always been small boned and thin. Seeing other girls being teased because of their weight made me paranoid about my own weight. The same thing holds true for other manifestations of low self esteem in the female population. We see what happens to women who aren't perfect, and we react to our fear of rejection. No normal human being can always be physically perfect, never demanding, amazing at sex, a perfect wife and mother.
Don't you think it effects men just as much? The symptoms you mentioned above can also be linked to men, as well. But, yes, we do suffer self-esteem issues, especially in the realm of our physical appearances. We are constantly barraged with advertising and images that tell us we aren't good enough as we are. Even the most confident women fall victim to self-doubt from time to time. It's hard not to.
It's simply not ture that all women have those symptoms.
But, low self-esteem is going to be a problem for a lot of people brought up in a society that denigrates them.
No, it's not the curse of almost all womenkind.
I don't see all men as having high self-esteem.
Women have not cornered the market on low self esteem.
Low self esteem is not gender specific. My great fear is the next generation is becoming more dependent on the "system" than self reliant.
Men go through similar issues as well. It's a part of life and growing up.
Just watching Sarah Palin speaking, no problem there.
I agree with some women, but also men.
most, yah in some form or another.
However, you find an girl who is insecure about one thing, she is totally confident about another.
Inherently, men need to be needed, and women need to be taken care of. Female insecurity plays into that. I don't care what women's lib tells you.
And this is coming from a female
Every characteristic you mentioned about self esteem and women can also be applied to males. I see males with addictions, eating disorders, issues with steroid use, cutting and mutilating behaviour etc.
What are they competing with women, if I use your warped logic.