White pride is considered racist, black pride isn't in the political mainstream Not sure about things like 'La Raza', but I think it is considered racist by some. Of other 'prides' I don't know offically. But if you are 'pride' of your ethnicity this easier leads to discrimination, putting down of other ethnicities I'd say.
P.S. Prides of sub-groups of whites like 'Irish pride', Italian pride etc. may be considered ok though.
No. And I don't like the term "cultural appropriation" to be used negatively nor seen as something that should be offensive. Taken in its strictest sense, that would mean it's offensive for anybody other than Chinese people to eat an egg roll. In fact, only Egyptians could use flour since it was their thing first.
All races should be allowed to be proud of their race, white, black, East asian, etc.All races should be proud of who they are, so no racial pride isn't racist.
White pride isn't racist, so anyone who claims that white pride is "racist" are probably racist themselves.
racism is a belief that members of a certain race/ethnicity possess characteristics that make them superior to others.
If you are prideful, it means you beleive you have something to boast about, others do not. If that something is race-based; than it is indeed "racist".
Answers & Comments
White pride is considered racist, black pride isn't in the political mainstream Not sure about things like 'La Raza', but I think it is considered racist by some. Of other 'prides' I don't know offically. But if you are 'pride' of your ethnicity this easier leads to discrimination, putting down of other ethnicities I'd say.
P.S. Prides of sub-groups of whites like 'Irish pride', Italian pride etc. may be considered ok though.
No. And I don't like the term "cultural appropriation" to be used negatively nor seen as something that should be offensive. Taken in its strictest sense, that would mean it's offensive for anybody other than Chinese people to eat an egg roll. In fact, only Egyptians could use flour since it was their thing first.
No, it's not racist.
All races should be allowed to be proud of their race, white, black, East asian, etc.All races should be proud of who they are, so no racial pride isn't racist.
White pride isn't racist, so anyone who claims that white pride is "racist" are probably racist themselves.
ㅅ ㅅ ㅅ
racism is a belief that members of a certain race/ethnicity possess characteristics that make them superior to others.
If you are prideful, it means you beleive you have something to boast about, others do not. If that something is race-based; than it is indeed "racist".
Whites claiming to be proud of that fact obviously consider themselves to be superior to others who were not so fortunate..
depends on the race. what do y'all white people really have to be proud off? your entire heritage is based on the exploitation of other people.
No, eh, my views have changed a bit, call me a hypocrite.