Hey! So, I wanted all of you to share your stories and any advice that you could give me? Products that you like or just advice in general? Thanks (:
I just turned 16 four weeks ago and I am currently 11 weeks pregnant, I'll be 3 months on Friday. Here's my story:::
I got pregnant about 7 weeks before I turned 16. My boyfriend broke up with me, saying that he didn't want this responsibility on his shoulders. I thought I could trust him, because we were together for like 15 months, but I was soo wrong.
Anyways, I've never met my dad before, he was never in the picture, so it's just me, my mom, my aunt, and my friends.
My mom said that she was going to buy the crib and stroller and some clothes but that's about all. I work at Claire's on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays after school for 3 hours (from 3:00-6:00) and Saturdays from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM, making about 120 dollars a week. (8.50 an hour, 480 a month)
Yes, I am looking for a higher paying job, but right now I am not succeeding.
My friends have been there for me through it all. I was worried about what they would think but they have been the most supportive people through this whole thing. A few of my friends have already gotten the little one some clothes or blankets (:
My aunt was probably the most disappointed, but she also understood because she got pregnant at 17. (she's 29 now and Farrah, her daughter, is 12.) She's pitched in a lot. She's allowing my to do housework at her house for 100 dollars a week, bringing my weekly total up 220, making my monthly total up to almost 900.
So yeah, that's my story. (:
I think I have a little baby bump already, lol.
I'm going to find out the sex in about 5 weeks, so excited! (:
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Answers & Comments
Verified answer
I was in the same situation as you when I was 16. My boyfriend left me just like you but a few months later he cooled off and apologized. I can help you and answer any questions. Just email me at [email protected] or text me at 913-749-6757.
I got pregnant at 19 and am now 20 with a baby boy due in about 2 weeks! I'm so excited. My mom has been extremely supportive and so has all my family as well as my partners family. It'll be hard but it's good to see you're taking responsibility for your actions and you have a job. If you end up having a boy you can email me and i'll send you baby clothes because I have a ton! No scam, I promise. My email is [email protected]. Best of luck and good wishes on the rest of your pregnancy.
I got pregnant shortly after I turned 16 years old. The dad and I are still together (I'm now 24 and he's now 26,married obviously) We'd been together for 4 months when I found out I was pregnant,so I really got lucky with that. My mom and dad were both very disappointed in me at first,and tried to get me to get an abortion. I said no,and refused. Anyways,they got used to the idea,and eventually started to accept the idea. I ended up dropping out of school (I'd transferred to my then bf/now husband's school) because they took my credits away for my daughter having a 102 fever and me having to take her to the doctor,they said it wasn't an excusable absence. Anyways,I started working when she was 7 months old at White Castle,and I was working all three shifts and sometimes over 40 hours a week. My family was amazing with it,and very supportive. His family was as supportive as well. We've now got a 7 year old daughter and a 15 month old son that was planned.
Hey! I am also 16 and I got pregnant on depo :/ Dont reccomend that to ANYONE. But I would be 6 or 7 weeks and I have not told my parents yet I want to be 6000% positive haha I think the test are lieing to me or I am looking at them to hard ( had 2 faint line tests). I have just quit my job about a month ago but it looks like I will be looking for two jobs now and so will my boyfriend total of 4 jobs gonna kill us but price you pay for having a baby young.
I am 17 yrs old and on July 3, 2010 i gave birth to a beautiful baby girl! I found out i was pregnant last October and I was 16 years old. My bf and I had been together for going on 2 years and our relationship was perfect...until I became pregnant. We are still together and doing MUCH BETTER but we went through ALOT more than most. break ups, fights, court, you name it. I am currently a senior and since I have enough credits and have never failed a class I will be graduating in December. I start college in January. I have no job but my bf is in the army. He left for basic when our baby girl was only 17 days old and will not be back until january (possibly February) It's NOT easy but i wouldn't trade her for anything! She is my whole heart! When i was pregnant I found that it was always nice to Have someone to talk to. If you would like you can email me. like i said I have been through IT ALL! bf problems, pregnancy, morning sickness, breast feeding, taking care of my little one and staying in school, a baby with awful reflux, everything you could imagine. Good luck and God bless. I hope your baby brings you as much joy as my angel as brought me! You can also add me on facebook if you have one just email me so I can give you my name:)
p.s. Yes, babies are VERY costly! Never loose your faith in God and he will meet your every need!!!:)
a good way to save money is getting the baby clothes at goodwill. it's all gently used, and the kid is just going to ruin everything you put him/her in 5 minutes after you change them, lol!
they have blankets, clothes, strollers, cribs all kinds of stuff. having a baby is hard work and it's great you're giving it a go! look into teen counseling centers in your area for help getting necessities and they may be able to help you too. one of the centers in my area offers a mentoring program where you can earn 'baby cash' that's redeemable at a local baby store.
have a healthy pregnancy, and a safe birth!
i got pregnant when i was 17, didnt tell a soul, and didnt plan on it until i was sure i could carry to term, and suffered a miscarriage at 7.5 weeks. it was the saddest day of my life. Im so happy though to hear that you get to experience something so wonderful, best of luck to you sweetie!