I think this boy in the grade above me is really cute. our big brothers are really good friend so he knows my brother. He's in my lunch but he doesn't go. him and his friends go off somewhere else to hang out so i don't usually see him there...Im too nervous to add him on snapchat but he followed my on instagram...i just don't know how to start being able to talk to him...what would you do?
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ALWAYS start with smiling at him. He will smile back. Say "Hi" once is a while, even if all his friend are around OR you are with your friends.
Does this sound scary to you? If it does,
Which is SCARIER?
FOR YOU to talk to him OR for some other girl to talk to him?
If you let your Fear or Embarrassment keep you from making a move, you're going to HURT, when some other girl doesn't.
Make a wager (bet) with the person you want to spend time with.
Lose that bet to them INTENTIONALLY.
The wager should be something that puts you together alone and
away from everyone you know.
Make the wager something you can afford and non threatening
or too suggestive.
(an ice cream cone, a milkshake, a coffee, even washing a car)
EXAMPLE: "I'll bet you an ICE CREAM SUNDAE, I can say
the alphabet backwards faster than you."
Then LOSE the bet and take her for an Ice Cream Sundae.
(Enjoy Your Date)
CONFIDENCE is not about Succeeding. It's about NOT BEING AFRAID,
to Step Up, whether you get Accepted or Rejected.
After you get Accepted or Rejected, YOU WILL "Quit"
Torturing yourself with Worry and Curiosity.