I think some bosses might be bias towards someone who's married, some towards people who are single. Ideally, they shouldn't be, but in reality, it happens. Some bosses value the company image as family oriented, or feel that a married employee is more likely to stay at work and not quit all of a sudden, while other bosses might want someone without children and all. From what you say, your boss sounds like the first one. Just ignore him (or you can confront him) and record down these hints he gives you. If he fires you for not being married and you have proof of it (the record and eye witness), you have a great case against him and can sue for discrimation.
No. Your marital status is none of his business. Picking a married person over a single person (who may be more qualified) sounds like discrimination to me.
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I think some bosses might be bias towards someone who's married, some towards people who are single. Ideally, they shouldn't be, but in reality, it happens. Some bosses value the company image as family oriented, or feel that a married employee is more likely to stay at work and not quit all of a sudden, while other bosses might want someone without children and all. From what you say, your boss sounds like the first one. Just ignore him (or you can confront him) and record down these hints he gives you. If he fires you for not being married and you have proof of it (the record and eye witness), you have a great case against him and can sue for discrimation.
No. Your marital status is none of his business. Picking a married person over a single person (who may be more qualified) sounds like discrimination to me.
its illegal, if your marital status is impeding ur career growth. None of ur boss's business
never mix business with pleasure.