YA has community moderation posts are reported by other members which can result in deletion.The number of abuse reports before deletion depends on the "trust level" of the reporters. Usually all it takes is 2 "trusted" members although sometimes many more and in rare occasions only one to report a post and the bots remove it. Questions don't have to be offensive to be violations. your "question 'diary of a madman'?-is really not a question so your violation would be for failure to follow the question and answer format.
No one ever said a "question" has to be offensive to be a violation.
Yahoo deleted your question, after it was reported by 1 or more users who have proven to report accurately.
Since you agreed to follow the guidelines when you got your account, it would make sense to me if you would read them, and the help pages that go with them...
Googling ... the if it was the question "What comes to mind when you hear the phrase;? Diary Of A Madman", the reason is probably that "What comes to mind when you <whatever>?" questions are usually considered to be chat violations - a variant of "What are you thinking of?" http://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?page=content&y=PROD...
Answers & Comments
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Yahoo did
If you ask an inappropriate question your fellow users will report them and when a certain number of them report you Yahoo deletes them.
Had you posted your question with this one we could have told you what was wrong with it.
YA has community moderation posts are reported by other members which can result in deletion.The number of abuse reports before deletion depends on the "trust level" of the reporters. Usually all it takes is 2 "trusted" members although sometimes many more and in rare occasions only one to report a post and the bots remove it. Questions don't have to be offensive to be violations. your "question 'diary of a madman'?-is really not a question so your violation would be for failure to follow the question and answer format.
"diary of a madman" is not a question.
No one ever said a "question" has to be offensive to be a violation.
Yahoo deleted your question, after it was reported by 1 or more users who have proven to report accurately.
Since you agreed to follow the guidelines when you got your account, it would make sense to me if you would read them, and the help pages that go with them...
It could be anyone, from one user to many.
Googling ... the if it was the question "What comes to mind when you hear the phrase;? Diary Of A Madman", the reason is probably that "What comes to mind when you <whatever>?" questions are usually considered to be chat violations - a variant of "What are you thinking of?" http://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?page=content&y=PROD...
a bunch of Yahoo Answers users
probably some b**** named DeLlTreece