I think that Biden showed that he was ready to lead, he was strong, and told the truth. I think the debates will give a little boost to Biden, and take away from Edwards, because all he did was suck up and praise the other candidates. Hillary versus Obama, was like Obama telling the public he is trying to win the primaries, Hillary told the public she is ready to win the election. She was one step ahead, and more confident than Barack and his answers that seemed to lack confidence. Hillary won, Biden looks like a good VP, Barack was good, Richardson was OK, just a little scared to jump in and say what he had to say. Gravel, Kucinich, and Edwards were mediocre performances....Hillary also showed she was compassionate, and backed up her argument for being a leader.....
The questions of the night were asked to Hillary about Bush Clinton Bush Clinton, she knocked that one dead, and do you think the world is willing to negotiate and deal with a woman president. She killed that but what else do you expect from the front runner?
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I think that Biden showed that he was ready to lead, he was strong, and told the truth. I think the debates will give a little boost to Biden, and take away from Edwards, because all he did was suck up and praise the other candidates. Hillary versus Obama, was like Obama telling the public he is trying to win the primaries, Hillary told the public she is ready to win the election. She was one step ahead, and more confident than Barack and his answers that seemed to lack confidence. Hillary won, Biden looks like a good VP, Barack was good, Richardson was OK, just a little scared to jump in and say what he had to say. Gravel, Kucinich, and Edwards were mediocre performances....Hillary also showed she was compassionate, and backed up her argument for being a leader.....
The questions of the night were asked to Hillary about Bush Clinton Bush Clinton, she knocked that one dead, and do you think the world is willing to negotiate and deal with a woman president. She killed that but what else do you expect from the front runner?
yes, such as what order the reasons for overturning the SCOTUS. rulings in the cases of Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton should be listed
It's always about race, rights and the poor....even though the lowest turnout voters are poor.