I had a really weird dream last night. I woke up laying in my bed and on the right there's this blur blue figure on the right side. I ran out of bed went in my closest and started crying. The ghost started making loud banging noises. I woke up in real life finding myself in my closest with tears coming down my face. My question is does this have to do with the paranormal? Or was it just a nightmare?
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Something similar happened to me.. I was lying in bed facing the door and I saw a girls face come up from the side of my bed and I said "Shyanne go to bed" then I remembered Shyanne does not even live here. I could not move at all. I was panicking and closed my eyes. I opened them to see a snake on the side table, the snake slithered off the side table and into my bed, I could feel the snake there and could not move. I could not see what was there completely it was quite blurry. I would call it paranormal myself. Also another time I saw a shadow moving across my room and closed my eyes. I heard "Willow, Willow wake up!" over and over again, I asked everyone in the house. They said they didn't do it.
It sounds like you were dreaming in the present time as you was sleep walking? Sounds interesting though, maybe you astral projected or had a lucid dream?
It sounds like an alien abduction. You were sent out via vortex portal. Your closet.
this does not have anything to do with paronormal , it's just that you were in a very deep sleap