I have a son age 17 living in my home still and he is active with his girl friend and I just found out he is very addicted to porn and has been sneaking and watching on computer for awhile .I noticed a serious change in him this summer staying in his room not helping etc..I want to bust the computer up.But any advise as to a good block I can install I am not so great knowledge wise with computer work,Thank you for any help I want to block him from that crap.
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Its not a good idea to install a filter as he will get porn elsewhere. Best way to address the issue is to declare it, with the help of his girlfriend as well.
You must approach his girlfirend and convey your worries to her and appeal for her help in setting up an intervention - privately ofocurse among the three of you. It is very important you get his girlfriend on your side if possible.
In the intervention, you will convey the exact same worries to him that you conveyed to his girlfirend and declare that he is going down a destructive road and that he will eventually cause a lot of problems to his girlfriend and also yourself. To nip it further in the bud, you must "interrogate" him as to why he needs to observe such content when his girlfirend is active with him. You need to ask him why his girlfriend is not enough to quench his thirst. If he responds that he just needs more than what his girlfriend offers, you need to explain to him that he has a problem similar to alcoholism but in this case its sex.
Finally, you need to explain to him the following facts:
1. Sex is like alcohol - it is healthy in small doses but if you over-indulge you will end up killing yourself in the case of alcohol, but in the case of sex you will end up killing all relationships - not just the relationship with his girlfriend but also the relationship with you and his friends.
2. The primary purpose of sex is to procreate and solidify a bond with his partner, and its secondary purpose is to "mellow out" agressive people. So if he has no plans to have children at 17, he should take it easy.
3. Explain to him that his experiences with his girlfriend are very precious and that if he abuses his equipment, he might lose it - in the sense that he will eventually develop medical issues with his equipment.
Finally, you will explain to him that you will not hesitate to activate some failsafe mechanisms which include:
1. Raising the issue with his councillor at school
2. Forcing therapy upon him
move the computer to the family room limiting his private activity. If you notice him sneaking out of his room to watch porn at night then you can always take teh power cord away at night when your unable to monitor him.
Also, he is a boy 17, he's curious and this is what boys do.. .there VERY sexually active at that age... i know I was ;)
I'm trying to understand your problem, but the question I have is, is he hurting anyone?? I think you cease to forget that he is a curious 17 year old boy, and i find it funny that you have a problem with him looking at porn but no problem with him having sex!! Have you ever thought that maybe the reason he is watching porn is to get ideas of what he and his girlfriend could do!! I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with what your son is doing as long as he's not hurting anyone, i don't understand the problem!!
There are so many parents who don't know where there children are most of the time cause there out walking the streets, taking drugs, stealing, fighting, having unprotected sex, and here you are with your son safely under your roof, looking at some harmless porn, and you want to punish him for being a normal 17 year old boy!!
Also you seem to be contradicting yourself because your fine with him having sex but your not ok with him watching it, huh, please explain??
Of course it's completely up to you what you choose to do, but just remember if you take it away from him, he's just gonna look it up with his friends or somewhere else,you really cant be that naive to think that he'll just stop!! He is 17 he will just find something else to do to occupy his time, and these days some of the things kids are doing to occupy themselves are quite horrifying, and last but not least he's 17 he's got one year or less to go before he is of legal age to watch these type of things!!
I don't mean to be so straight forward but, we are in the year 2009 I just don't understand how things like porn and Sex can still be such taboo topics. This is why there are so many young mothers and fathers out there, and also so many kids with STD'S because parents like yourself rather than sitting down with your child and talking about it, just want to forbid them from doing, talking or in your case watching anything to do with sex!!
Every guy that has been on the internet has looked at porn. He's 17 now. It's normal. Also, the idea about him having his own PC would help alot to make it less of an issue. Also, it's really not a problem unless it's all he does or unless you make it one.
very easy answer!!
Install K9 protection( google K9) which is a free download. Any porn sites will be barred!! Only you will have the password to block a porn site
Good Luck
most 17 year olds can figure out a way around these blocking programs. They really are only effective for small kids.
I doubt it's an addiction. young boys are intrigued by porn. it's new to them. he'll realize it's all the same soon and get bored with it. boys will be boys.
If him being on the computer excessively inhibits him from doing other more important tasks, limit his computer time under parental controls if you are the administrator to his computer. you can also filter out inappropriate content if you want to go that far.
have you caught him? bring the computer to the family room, his t.v. too. the more he's occupied, the less likely it is that he gets addicted.
you may have to bring the computer in your room and tell him why if he has no idea you know and is still sneaking in the living room or w/e u put the computer. do the embarrassing mom thing saying "keep your door open!" when his g/f is over.
use kaspersky security 2009
n install msn messenger with the parenting tool t really helps
but i guess calling some1 like dr.phill 1st is mos important so ur son does not turn to a rapist
He's 17.
He's a male.
He watches porn.
Wait, where in that sequence was the problem again?
But if you really wanted to intrude that part of his life, go to www.netnanny.com